Kawaii - Adjective, Japanese in origin

Kawaii is Japanese for "cute". Many japanese culture/entertainment fans have taken the word and added it to their lingo to be used in english conversation.

It can be used in several sentence patterns, including a question such as "Kawaii ne?" meaning "Cute, isn't it?"
"My Domo-kun plushie is so kawaii!!"

"Kawaii!!!!" (Upon seeing a picture of an underage japanese schoolgirl)

"Kawaii ne?" (A cosplayer showing off his/her costume to others, or vainly looking in the mirror)
by Seifuru January 26, 2006
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Means "cute" or "pretty" in Japanese. Grossly overused by fat wapanese dorks in their futile attempts to woo their school's female Japanese exchange student(s).
Reality Check: Native Japanese don't use the word "kawaii" as much as you dorks do. Shut it down.
by R. Kemp August 5, 2004
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An object, animal or person of super cuteness. Everyone just adores it and cannot get over its cuteness. May make girls scream with delight at its adorableness. Absolutely adorable.
Lucy: OMG Izzy, your little kitten is soooooo ultra kawaii!
Katie: Awwwwww *shrieks* its sooooo kawaii!!!
Lucy: Oh look at you!! Little kitty!
Katie: Aw gosh its soo kawaii and super cute!
Isabel: Um, thanks...
Lucy and Katie: awwwwwww.
Isabel: He is quite kawaii, isn't he?...
Random dude walking past: GET OVER IT, ITS JUST A CAT!
by Isaac and Ollie October 1, 2009
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Kawaii is the word "cute" in japanese.
by reddish February 26, 2005
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The Japanese word for Cute. か わ い い
(kah-why-ee) ka wa i i

Kawaii is also an island of Hawaii that grows plentiful amounts of Guava's, which are a sweet and fleshy fruit that go bad very quickly.
Oh Em Gee, that bunny is so Kowai ^_^
Boy: No it's not!!!!
Girl: What do you mean it's adorable!
Boy: But you said that it was scared!
Girl: Did I?
Boy: Yeah, Kawaii (enunciates it) Kah-why-ee
Girl: Ok thanks! ^_^


I worked in a Guava Juice Factory on the island of Kawaii in Hawaii!
by Mokegowa November 26, 2008
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(in the context of Japanese popular culture) cute. Usually used in Tokyo
This Weeaboo thinks that his body pillow is kawaii.
by Nikoo_da_human_dictionary October 19, 2017
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