A Youtuber who is famous for filling his bathtub with popular candies.
Guava Juice filled his bathtub with skittles.
by TheHasbroLover8467832901 April 4, 2017
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Guava Juice is a bad Youtuber you shits out content for 7 year old kids. Guava Juice tastes like total sweaty gym socks, which have been out in the sun for way too long.

Don't subscribe.
Person1: Hey, what are you watching?
Person2: Oh just some brainlit.
Person1: How the hell does this exist?

Guava Juice should not exist...
by Garlic Bread_ June 17, 2020
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The best fruit beverage, also a YouTuber.
Guava juice is an interesting YouTuber. He really reminds me of my friend Marcelo.
by Blue Mew42 February 5, 2018
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A roast that is rarely used but is critical when used
Me to a fucktard that roasted me: What did you say you Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ass fucktard?
by IsaacTheMan_YT March 23, 2021
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Idk. It's just fun to say. Juice from a guava, I'm presuming. Whatever a guava is.
(Instead of cursing for those too cowardly)

by Firebird935 September 24, 2021
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Very good. Very good dipped in Rits crackers.
"mfasfpadf so good'
"What're you drinking?"
"guava juice with rits crackerssSSS mmm"
by Shiryoku November 2, 2020
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