A friend that only appears to you and you only, you can play around with the friend but sex is not possible.
Having a imaginary friend is very cool..... *cries*
by what da hell is a pseudonym? November 6, 2019
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A constant companion that nobody can see except children and the religious.
When I was a child my imaginary friends used to talk about me behind my back.
by The Glans Punis May 21, 2005
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A fictional companion, often created out of loneliness. Imaginary friends can often be found congregating around definitions of non-celebrities, singing the praises of the person in question.
OMG, John is so awesome. He's loved by his mobs of friends, his family, and even complete strangers he meets on the street. He's friendly, and well-mannered, with nary a hair out of place. John's amazing at sports and all the ladies are unable to resist his charms and good looks. Plus, he's such a great friend. I don't know where I'd be today if I'd never met the paragon of perfection that is John.

by An Imaginary Friend
by With Hidden Noise April 19, 2006
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For Christians, is Jesus.
For Muslims, is Allah.
For Jews, is Jehovah.
For Zaroastrians, is Ahura-Mazda.
Q: What's the difference between a Christian and a Five-year-old child?

A: A Five-year-old child doesn't insist that his imaginary friend is King of the Universe.
by ChipSlap August 20, 2006
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An imaginary friend is a friend that only you can see and talk to.

Imaginary friends can have many diffrent ages and nationalitys
I have one brazilian, 3 mexican and 1 chilean imaginary friends
by Reila May 30, 2017
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Any used-to-be friendly human idiot who has hurt you in any way, including leaving you out, bitching behind your back, or just generally acting selfishly and not thinking you would notice.
Annie and Laura are my imaginary friends.

*annie and laura text each other leaving person out*

Person walking past: who's that
Person getting left out: who's WHO?

Person 1: those girls sitting next to yo-
Sad person: WAIT, YOU CAN SEE THEM TOO??!!
by ==========________========== August 25, 2017
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somthing that sad and lonely people (that's you) make to feel better about them selve
imaginary freinds
your so lonely you don't even have imaginary friends
by when_nine_met_eleven August 24, 2022
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