Pffle! Someone with alarming amounts of class and style.
by Anonymous August 23, 2003
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some girl who slut-gutters a lot of guys. for a girl to slut-gutter a guy means for really slutty girl to take a guy into a shady area such as gutters, alleys, and friend's beds and rapes them
Camma is such a gutterslut. Did you hear? She slut-guttered like 15 guys at the same time three days ago.
by Wolfgang Klein September 17, 2006
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A groupie of the PBA (Professional Bowlers Asscociation). Moreover a Pete Weber (also known as Petey-Dub) groupie. Known for their affliction for chalk dust, greasy balls, and cheap nachos. Also one who visits bowling alley looking for love. Usually ending in a drunken night at the 10-pin Inn.
Damn Jackie, you're such a Gutterslut. Petey Dub is not someone likely to take a wife.
by urbandecayisstinky January 10, 2012
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a comback to someone making fun of your mom, or just something that pwns other crap comebacks like ur face
person1: ur mom is fat
person2: well ur a gutterslut
by def jk November 15, 2007
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Essentially, a promiscuous female of massive, shocking, unheard of proportions. Her breath consistently stinks of dick snot, a substance whose stench does not age well. That is one of many reasons why these beasts existence is so perplexing. Who allows them to defile their sacred anatomy? I personally enjoy referring to inferior prudish women as cumburping guttersluts since it undoubtedly causes them great confusion, a gaping mouth and an urge to slap you. These factors usually provide for phenomenal comedy.
Jose Contreras: How does the prostitute look across the street?
Bruce Lee: What the cumburping gutterslut? She looks like she started meth at age 7 and lost her teeth to a gang of horny Hell's Angels.
by benny b from the bronx August 16, 2007
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A slut (internet or non) who guzzles cum. Generally found trying to retaliate to barbs with witty responses, but the mouth is too full of cum to understand.
Teknine is a cumguzzling gutterslut, just look at it in his mouth.
by TentacleQueen November 6, 2009
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someone who is so slutty and annoying, you must call them this.
christoPHER is a cum burping gutterslut cause he calls my a cum burping curb slut.
by christybob March 16, 2007
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