Game developers currently making Brothers in Arms and made Halo PC.
Liek whoamg! Gearbox are leet!
by WereDogfish December 13, 2004
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1. To be thwarted by an obvious software bug.

2. an expression of supreme frustration
"WTF! I shot him in the head! Not fair, I was Gearboxed!" or

"I just got Gearboxed at the DMV! Dammit!" or

"LMAO I'm nowhere near you yet I killed you. You've been Gearboxed, son."
by DTS August 25, 2004
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Gearboxed. adj,verb

1. To be thwarted by an obvious software bug.
ex. "WTF! I shot him in the head! Not fair, I was Gearboxed!"

2. an expression of supreme frustration
ex. "I just got Gearboxed at the DMV! Dammit!"

3. To explain a kill which makes no sense whatsoever.
ex "LMAO I'm nowhere near you yet I killed you. You've been Gearboxed, son."
1. To be thwarted by an obvious software bug.
ex. "WTF! I shot him in the head! Not fair, I was Gearboxed!"

2. an expression of supreme frustration
ex. "I just got Gearboxed at the DMV! Dammit!"

3. To explain a kill which makes no sense whatsoever.
ex "LMAO I'm nowhere near you yet I killed you. You've been Gearboxed, son."
by n/a August 25, 2004
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1.A car gear box ruined by Cronin on a day out to Margate.

2.A three speed gearbox with 1st, 3rd and reverse gears driven by Pugwall naaat
speeding to a round about "BANG...CLUTTER...CLUTTER"
by Anonymous May 15, 2003
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Invented by a Frenchman just before WW2 and introduced to road cars in 2003 in the Golf R32, this type of transmission is a semi-automatic gearbox - two clutches take care of two sets of gears. One clutch takes care of odd gears (1, 3, 5, 7) and the other clutch deals with the even gears (R, 2, 4, 6).

How it works:
One clutch has 1st gear engaged, with the car moving forwards. Meanwhile, the other clutch has 2nd gear ready to be engaged. Come change-up time, clutch no.1 disengages 1st and clutch no.2 engages 2nd gear and the car keeps going, whilst clutch no.1 prepares 3rd gear for engagement. All of this happens within milliseconds, so power delivery to the road is uninterrupted.

Usually - though not always - dual-clutch gearboxes are more fuel-efficient than an equivalent manual gearbox.

For more info, see Wikipedia.
"What gearbox have you got in your Audi TT?"
"Oh, I've got Audi's (VW's) dual-clutch gearbox. It's fantastic!"
by JaaagMan January 21, 2012
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Yet another term for a female vagina
Goeff , 'U'rite m8 how'd it go with your bird last night?'

Trent , ''Great, I took it up a few gears and shafted her flappy paddle gearbox.'

Bob , 'Noice'
by Zigatron5000 August 17, 2010
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