Refers to a particularly volatile or chaotic situation. Usually prefaced by adjectives such as massive, major, and serious. It can also refer to the destruction caused by a bad storm.
If John wins this election for chairmen, there will be some serious fucking and shitting in the company.
by Cecil Wood June 26, 2018
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I was getting really frustrated with my homework so I said "fuck that shit."
by Isi Oamen June 16, 2004
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The best way to comunicate to your boss that you're tired of sitting in a cubicle doing the same shit every day and you wish to be fired.
My supervisor: Noel! Do more e-mails, ur production is low!

Me: U know what? FUCK THIS SHIT!
by k@m0n August 25, 2008
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1) A very general way of saying "fuck that shit"
More like saying fuck everything.
2) A wicked 53 second song by The Sons of Butcher that has only 4 words in the lyrics: Fuck, the, Shit,and Yea.
1) If you're dumped by your girlfriend, about to get evicted from your house, bankrupt, fired from your job; open your window and scream "Fuck The Shit!!!" at the top of your lungs
2) Fuck the shit, fuck the fuckin’ shit fuck
Shit the fuck, shit the shitty fuck shit
Fuck the shit, fuck the fuckin’ shit fuck
Shit the fuck, shit the shitty fuck shit
Fuck, The, Shit
Fuck, Yea!
by El Joey June 3, 2007
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In the 2005 movie Jarhead, Sgt. Siek says to the recruits at rifle training, ''The Bible says "Thou shalt not kill" But hear this: FUCK - THAT - SHIT!''

To say the phrase like he did, pause between each word for the proper effect.
Ignorant Soccer Mom: Abortion is murder

by Doofie Fresh September 28, 2007
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screaming, "Fuck this shit!," while taking a massive shit. If you say this then the shit is coming out nonstop and/or if it's diarrhea.
John (while shitting): "Fuck this shit! My asshole is burning up!!"
by theRealistt July 29, 2010
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T-shirt worn by a person outside the CNN studios during the 2004 election results. While the cameras were rolling, the bystander opens his button down shirt to reveal the phrase "Fuck This Shit" on a t-shirt underneath. This was broadcast live and seen by millions of people. The person wearing the shirt is Brian Hayes and he is a genius.
If McCain wins, I hope the Fuck This Shit guy shows up again.
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