To have sex while wordporn/word is playing on a television in the background.
by Doc Sigma September 24, 2003
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Porn for furries. Pornographic material with humans dressed in suits as animals while they have sex.
"Hello fellow Furrie Fetish Feak. Would you be so kind as to pass me the stack of porn and some Kleenex?"
by MightyK September 13, 2003
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Foreign-made or -produced pornography, either printed or videotaped. Generally too lame to watch as regular porn, but generally good for a laugh or when drunk.
Last night I was so bored that I hauled out all of the forn bootlegs I got from eBay.
by Blyght September 23, 2003
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Another word for food porn.Which is any sort of media that explicitly exhibits delicious food to stir an appetite in the viewer/reader/listener.
Hey Norm!I watched some chicken soup forn last night so I made some for dinner yesterday.I have a bit leftover if you would like to have some.
by Neil Gaiman fanboy February 17, 2018
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some faggy ass bastard not from my small corner of the globe
dat dere towel wearin fag is from some forn country
by jimbob September 16, 2003
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Swagman: forgny forn
by Penisushh February 16, 2021
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A useless Quake II spectator who most likely endured a miserable childhood during which he received very little to no attention from his parents and was constantly picked on by his peers. He resorts to spending long hours in front of the computer taking up server slots/bandwidth while bitching and picking e-arguments with anyone who will listen. Recent studies indicate that this is a pathetically failed attempt at boosting his self-esteem.
My goodness, will this forn!x ever shut the hell up and stop his incessant bitching so people can enjoy themselves?
by Jesus Christ, Superstar January 18, 2006
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