80 definitions by jimbob

cuz its all gone bumble weed
by jimbob September 10, 2003
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something you write in very large print on your forehead and show off in public places.
hot chick: lance looks so dope with pen15 written on his forehead
by jimbob November 23, 2002
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A slow moron. Is approximately 1 year and 2 weeks late in realisation of real time events. Is generally slow.
oi you are such a dipan, you should be shot
by jimbob December 25, 2003
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an EXTREMELY hairy cunt or beaver. so hairy that it seems to defy the laws of physics. this term cannot be used loosely.
omfg did u see the diti muff on that heffer?
by jimbob February 15, 2003
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Something to forget in favor of the hump-de-hump
"Bitch, does it look like I wanna hug?"
by jimbob September 6, 2003
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