An idea that stood for the equality of women and men once (about 30 years ago)but is now just about kicking men in the balls and treating them with extreme bias and unfairness.
"Dude how's your new job at the gas station?"

"It's great. I sure wish feminism hadn't frightened me away from college though."
by jethro March 8, 2006
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A very common disease in our current time. It can only effect women or transgender dudes who are now women. It causes severe retardation and a superiority complex.
That women has Feminitis
by Anonymous Cheese Bag February 15, 2020
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The belief that both genders should be equal by focusing solely on one of them.
by pony_boy666 March 4, 2015
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Femine is a portmanteau of "feminine" and "vermin." Femine are women so low, so debased, they are willing to associate with almost anyone or anything, no matter how disgusting and degraded.
"Indulge me and I'll spoil you rotten. Real ladies, femine, elegant but dirty as hell, gagging for my spunk, ready to pamper me." Quote posted online 31 January 2006 by a person identifying as a "generous, intense man," with a photo bearing a striking likeness to British politician Peter Reynolds.
by Aunt O'Nim January 23, 2012
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A view that treating men and women equally must involve man-hating given the universality of women hating by men who'd vote for this definition.
If feminism is where women have all the power, why do men have all the Presidency?
by Freeper Freedman June 11, 2008
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The belief in the political, social, and logistic superiority of women to men. Female followers, especially zealots, are known to embark on quests to recruit white knights in the most insidious and covert ways she can imagine. The belief that manual labour and the dirty, dangerous jobs are for men, whom they describe as disposable and inferior.
Feminist: #KillAllMen! Women are the wave of the future! All men are scum and should be disposed for women's benefit and women's only!
Female Detractor: Wow. Feminists sure do hate men. Not my kind of faith at all.
Feminist: Traitor! Feminism is about equality for the genders!
Male Detractor: But you just claimed, seconds ago, that women were superior to men.
by Bogan of the Desert January 9, 2015
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The idea that women are equal to men. That men should treat women like equals and that men should respect a woman as they would respect another man. Feminists do not dislike or hate men, they just believe that women should be treated with respect, paid the same as men in the work force and share domestic duties equally with men.
Feminism recognizes women as being equal to men.
by jispeks February 1, 2019
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