A form of educate meaning to educate the ignorant in particular, a very word in southern michigan and used in other locations internationally.
kid 1: "the movie madagascar is based on a fake place"

kid 2: "no its real"

kid 3: "yeah look at the map its real"

kid 2: "dude you just got edumacated"
by P. I. G. August 12, 2011
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"You hates Amurica?! Get an edumacation!!"
by Dave March 31, 2004
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Getting into college is simply having enough money so your college ability will meet a college acceptability.
Billy was such a dumbass in high school. However, wealthy parents and a 67% acceptance rate. Carved a path for him, a four year degree in just six years. That’s some Edumacation! !
by Merky37 March 24, 2020
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Hey Tom, let's go to school and get edumacted.
Henry....you're a dumbass that needs more edumacation than I do.
There ain't no damn time for edumacating in the south!
by Arieola June 20, 2015
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Now lemme edumacate you about da ghetto life.
by AYB March 19, 2003
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What a contemporary college graduate recieves.
"I got me an edumacation at UC."
by rogosan May 4, 2004
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