A term used by kids in the NBA 2K community to describe an outfit that they feel physical attraction towards
Guy: damn bro, that fit is drippy
by Drpoop445 February 2, 2021
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Drippy describes someone who lacks common sense, who is slow to get a joke, or slow to grasp a concept,

Other words that have similar meanings to drippy:

Thick, Blonde, Dopey, Slow,
"God that girl Jess is so drippy"
by Skath March 1, 2007
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A sip of a drink. This is especially true if the beverage has been purchased from Starbuck's.
Hey! Do either of you (Jeremiah or Scott) want a drippy?
by matt May 6, 2005
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When a female is sexually aroused and her panties nearly need changing. More intense than "wet"
Damn Chaddy Daddy, you making me drippy.
by ZoeKahn November 8, 2019
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When one contracts an STD/STI that results in their genitals dripping.

After sleeping with Jackie, I found myself a bit "drippy".

Don't sleep with him, I heard he's "drippy"!
by Vtrexx October 10, 2008
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urine trapped in your peen after you shake, and you put it back in your pants and it drips in your pants.
you pee into a urinal shake a few times put it away, take one step and there is drippies in your pants.
by jbobfin September 11, 2010
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When you take a fat bong snap or dab and your body begins to drip with sweat or tears aka you get high as fuck
Yo, do you want to get drippy?
I just took a half gram snap and I’m drippy as fuck.
by sneeps October 4, 2019
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