it's how everyone on the planet spells the word "color" except us Yanks, thanks to the spelling reforms of Noah Webster.
1. I was watching TV in my hotel room late at night in Niagara Falls, Canada. I could get American and Canadian TV signals there because I was at the border. There was an ad for Clairol with some lovely chicks showcasing their hair. Next to a lovely babe with long red hair was the logo: it said "Clairol Colour Treatment". I was watching an ad on Canadian TV.

2. At Oakes Parks in the Niagara area I was having a nice discussion with a Canuck lady. She said that I must be an American because I said "out" as opposed to "ewt". I said that yes I'm a Yank and that I spell "colour" with 5 letters, not 6.

3. Cyndi Lauper had a hit in 1986 with "True Colors". In 1998 Phil Collins released his version of it, respelling it as "True Colours" beings that he is British.

3. "Any Colour You Like" is a synthesizer-heavy instrumental by Pink Floyd.

4. The TA for one of my college classes is a Canadian. He says that American spelling for words like "catalogue" becoming "catalog" and dropping the "u" in "colour" to make "color" is a sign of laziness. Hey, it eliminates excess baggage. It's called "simplifying". That's the American way, fella!

5. Eeeeeeeeeyeww! What's your favorite color baby? ... LIVING COLOUR.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 23, 2009
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The _original_ and proper way of spelling colour. The Americans only spell it because they're incapable of understanding silent letters or how 'ph' sounds like 'f'
It's coloUr you retard - Get an education dumbass
by -benbread- July 6, 2005
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the correct spelling, unlike the way dumb yanks that cant spell the word for toffee
yank: "hi my name is like cindy lou an i like the COLOR pink"
brit: "hello my name is thomas and i like the COLOUR black"
by uber skank December 29, 2005
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The observed property of light which is closely related to its wavelength.
A HeNe laser has a distinctive red colour of wavelength usually around 633nm.

Calling someone coloured is often considered racist.

Issac Newton decided there should be seven colours in the spectrum, even though only six are particularly well defined. Indigo only exists because of Newton's religious beliefs.

Colour is the correct spelling. :P
by )SoFoS( May 27, 2008
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The PROPER way of spelling colour.
Or color as the americans spell it.
Americans will probably spell it wrong because British spelling is too SUPERIOR and they can't understand it.
The FIRST way of spelling it, and the right way.
British dude: Do you like the colour of my thirt?
American dude: No that color is stoopid. I love pink!
British dude: YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL!!!!!
by hananananaah January 17, 2006
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The superior way of spelling colour, unlike those American losers.

British Man: Well, I personally think a hint of the ol' marble colour would make the car more smoother on the eyes, jolly chap.

Shizzle Man: .....
by Cloud July 20, 2004
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The British and original way of spelling the American way of 'color.' Personally, I hate the way Americans spell words like color, favor and behavior while I love the way my country and others spell them, such as colour, favour and behaviour. You can easily find out an American Grammar Nazi (abbreviated: AGN) by just taunting them with the spelling. If they say "PISS OFF YOU FUCKING CUNT; IT'S SPELT COLOR" you can easily correct them by saying: "Colour is the original way, you mcdonalds eater"
British Person: "This colour is vibrant and hurts my eyes"
British Community: "Here we go again.."
by Chappychapchap May 20, 2017
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