55 definitions by Cloud

Lets D-D-R

The famous saying on DDR Extreme before you play a song, after you have put your credit in.
*puts Credit in*
Announcer: LET'S D-D-R!!!
"ok" *presses continue*
by Cloud November 17, 2004
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Microsoft Support Centre

The people who always tell you that "Restarting your computer" will always solve the problem.

And when they do have to go further than that, they just keep arguing with you about your own PC. I hate them.
Larry: Hi Microsoft, my PC has just been hacked and my hard drive has veen deleted and now my PC won't turn on.

MSC: This can be easily resolved. Restart your computer.

Larry: How, it won't turn back on?

MSC: Press the power button


MSC: We will not argue with you sir. Call back when you are experiencing technical difficulties on a higher level.

Larry: I'm going to blow up Your support centre.

MSC: Is that a virus?

*Larry hangs up*
by Cloud November 15, 2004
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the coolest e-mail service ever, never have to delete mail, *Unless you reach your 1 gigabyte storage space, which is very very very very very hard*

Owns every other e-mail service.
When Gmail goes public, Microsoft will shit themselves, and frantically try and increase their storage space to 2 gigs.
by Cloud July 20, 2004
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A word used online by total fags who can't seem to spell "ok" correctly. People who say "kk" also say words like:

by Cloud November 11, 2004
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People that deliver your stuff, if it gets lost during shipping, it's becuase the person delivering it has stolen it.
My pet Rabbit never came.
by Cloud July 20, 2004
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The Trocadero in London is a massive Entertainment centre, with arcades, bowling, cinema etc. It is completely populated by rude boy filth.

90% of people there you will want to kill. Also, do not go there after 9pm on a Saturday...

Other than that it is awesome, you find some hardcore Game Dancers (DDR, EZ2, PUMP) and has DDR Extreme!
I walked into the Trocadero with a shotgun and came out dragging 5 rude boys by their shirts.

I also came out and realised that I felt the urge to go back and do it all over again, and play a bit of DDR Extreme while I was there too.
by Cloud October 31, 2004
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Those GenPATTONs avoid the real issues.
by Cloud July 23, 2003
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