An event that's happening again, come on, surely you knew that?
"Brayden brought the matches to the petrol station, here we go again"
by Millez June 10, 2018
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When its that time and you know your in for it.
CJ: Ah shit, Here we go again.
by Walugie April 18, 2019
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ah shit here we go again
ah shit here we go again
by Jerrymiah June 10, 2019
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Something that is mandatory to say when you do something that is usually hard and now you must do it again because of unknown circumstances. Frequently said when encountering Sans in a dark alleyway and accidentally playing 'Hey Ya' by Outkast a second time. Originally from GTA: San Andreas.
You: *Finished listening to Hey Ya*

You: wow what a good song.

Hey Ya: *Plays again*

You: ah shit, here we go again

Mom: *calls your name*

You: What??

Mom: *says nothing*

You: ah shit, here we go again
by stonedweeb May 8, 2019
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That thing you say when you have to do another annoying thing again like work, school, taking care of your fucking kids dad why don’t you come back please Ryan
by Heythatsrude May 10, 2019
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Meaning. The “Ah Shit, Here We Go Again” meme is used to express deep-seated distress. When conflicts are never-ending, or you can't seem to catch a break, the ah shit, here we go again one-liner adequately represents upset. Clever individuals have used the scene to describe a Buddhist who's died and been rebirthed.
"when you survive Godzilla then he ressurects himself:
Oh shit here we go again
by dbevsuknnnnnnncf7i6tmfugnytncv December 11, 2021
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