a person who is half caucasian and half asian
My whitey wife and I (filipino) are having a baby. Will the birth certificate indicate that he/she is a cauc-azian?
by jflo1100 March 18, 2016
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The act of preventing someone from watching The Big Lebowski. Refers to the White Russian, also known as the Caucasian, the Dude's favorite beverage.
We were all trying to get together to watch The Big Lebowski, but Jamie had to Cauc Block us...
by Sam Cape May 21, 2010
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a black womans friend that doesnt want her to date a white man
I really want to date Tasha, but her friend Wendy is such a Cauc Blocker!
by Eddie to the O August 9, 2010
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White (caucasian) Dad to a Chinese adopted son/daughter.
My Dad likes to call himself a “cauc-asian” because I’m Asian and he’s Caucasian.
by juuliquent December 1, 2020
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When a black man usurps the romantic machinations of a white man on a lady, and it turns out he's either got way more game or she likes men of color better anyway.
John thought things were moving in the right direction after chatting all night with Stacy. But when Tyrone came over with her next drink and a smile, John became all but forgotten by Stacy. Total Cauc block.
by zelums November 12, 2010
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Individual of European descent who commits a crime or offense
"Did you hear about that white dude who ripped off a bunch of old ladies?"
"Yea, heard about it this morning. Dirty cauc!"
by sultry scholar July 20, 2018
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A Person of colour who defends white people.
"Ahmad is such a Cauc sucker for saying White privelge isn't real"
by Rais Acirfa April 2, 2021
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