those ugly mother fuckers in that damn show that stole morpheus from the matrix. THOSE BASTARDS TURNED HIM INTO A JUMP-ROPING FREAK OF FUCKING NATURE!!!
The boohbahs teach about farting =D
by mr. penis inserter January 3, 2005
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a creepy ass tv show for little kids
boohbah is such a trip.
by wakkawakka January 29, 2004
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Five really cool fuzzy things that will one day kill the teletubbies. They have a show and they dance. They are a good show for stoners. Their names are Zing Zing Zingbah, Humbah, Zumbah, Jingbah, and Jumbah. They are probably the greatest invention since sliced bread. can be used in place of cool or badass because boohbahs are fvckin awesome!
Today i got soooo stoned then watched boohbah.
by kevin January 15, 2005
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positively adorable fuzzy weird looking things, that seem to fart me.
That boohbah is as cute as it gets.
by bob December 24, 2004
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A very disturbing children's show from Britain. Like their forerunners, the Teletubies, they have been smuggled onto public television in the United States of America. Unlike other things that have come to America from Britain, such as monty python and the Beatles, this show has no value of any type.
They are round creatures that look as if they had become entangled in seperate colors of christmas lights, each one being it's own color, with five in all. They appear to move about by flatulation, giving new meaning to the expression "farting around". Despite their cute appearance, they are, in fact, the spawn of Hell and the servants of Satan. They seek to make the next generation docile and complacent, so that when the final battle comes, they will be either too stupid or too scared to fight. This was formerly the task given to the Teletubies, but their cover was exposed.
Here are some words of warning to anyone who may catch a glimpse of these mostrosities while flipping channels, wash your eyes! If, for any reason, you find them to be, in any way, shape, or form, "cute", seek mental health counseling immediately. In case you have become attracted to them in any way( esp. sexually), kill yourself before you spread this plague.
Boobahz r t3h 3v1l!
Boobahs are a disgrace to the peoples of the U.K.
by E. R. Faust July 7, 2005
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Teletubies after one too many hits of acid.
Woooahhh, pretty colors.
Dude, I saw a Boohbah that last trip!
by Milk February 15, 2005
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The Teletubbies' freaking weird alter egos that fart too much. Don't ask me who the fifth one is.

Maybe he/she/it is a janitor in a Boohbah suit?
The Boohbahs, unlike Barney, are not evil. Just really, really annoying.
by Cortana Dragoon June 25, 2005
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