Midgets are slippery little fuckers. The only way to really hold them is to grab them by the bingle.
by Bo-Rat July 21, 2014
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verb.-the feeling which arrives when entering a hot shower after getting a sunburn that day. It burns and tingles at the same time. Ouch
My sunburn bingled while i was in the shower.
by ilash June 4, 2007
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(when entered as the definition, the entry device exclaimed "the definition is too short" so I added this to give it an artificial extension.)
Pedro gets smacked in the ding a ling. The pain causes him to exclaim, "Ouch, my bingle hurts!" He then clutches his groin area with a tender nurturing palm.
by The Sanitized Chicken November 22, 2003
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p1: OGM (object,game,subject,etc) IS SO GOOD!!!!
p2: Bingle.
by kyslelelel August 25, 2017
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bingle is the sound of the bell that rings when ding dong someone's opinion is wrong. Used when you want to let someone know they are incorrect
wrong friend: puppies suck!
correct friend: my dear friend, it appears that in your testimony of the perspective that you have on the current scenario, that I found a contradiction between both of our standpoints regarding the quality of the subject in question, Therefore, it is with modesty that I must announce that through a logical deduction that this contradiction should not and thereby must not exist, the perspective that you have chosen to standby is deemed invalid. Bingle.
by Notwhomstyouthink March 17, 2018
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Sexual mingling or the act of successfully hitting a baseball in order to reach base safely.
It is impossible to bingle with a Campo girl, they are embarrasing.

I tried to bingle last weekend after prom, but I went with a Campo girl so I didn't reach any base. In fact I struck out.

This weekend I batted 3/4 in bingles. But not with junior Campo girls, only sophs and seniors.
by Mrs. Hebert June 7, 2004
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To be got, hoodwinked, run amok, bamboozled in an obvious way, pwned, or otherwise yeeted in the manner of Zook Bingler, Esq.
John: You wouldn't believe what happened to me last night! I was getting out of the shower when Warren threw a pie in my face!

Tom: Oh man sounds like you got bingled!

John: Well if you think I was bingled just consider the top post of this definition and how absolutely bingled they got with this absolutely chonking galaxy brain answer to the question of what it is to be fully, completely, thoroughly, entirely, indubitably bingled with a side of chonkchonk and trank!
by jerrytom April 7, 2021
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