your soulmate.
darwin, you're my wonderwall.
by brokendreamer June 12, 2012
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The mirror you rail lines of coke off of. Nothing romantic.
Yo, you got a wonderwall so we don't waste this blow?
by phantomwyse October 3, 2007
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a type of contraceptive device, more specifically a condom.
"Crap, Megan's Mom, do you have any wonderwalls in your desk? We don't want any BABIES"
by thisisnotkatie May 16, 2007
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Something (most typically a song) that has been so over used that it is boring and painful to hear. No matter how brilliant you thought it was when you first heard it after the millionth time today on the same radio show it is now annoying.

Named after the Oasis song of the same name which, despite being brilliant in many ways, has been rejected by many fans as "a bit wonderwall" due to over playing on air.
Person 1: "Have you heard that new Blur song?"

Person 2: "Only a million times already today... I did like it but now it's abit Wonderwall"
by Fridrihsbergs November 3, 2009
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An object of facination. Term originates from the title of an obscure 1960's British arthouse film about a guy who becomes obsessed with the young couple he can see making love through a small hole in his bedroom wall. More recently the term has been revived thanks to a song of the same name by brit poppers Oasis
Wonderwall (the song) was also a hit for spoof UK easy listerning band 'The Mike Flowers Pops'
by black flag June 25, 2004
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Some one who you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person who you are compleatly infatuated with. the one that you look for on your buddylist everytime you sign online. the one who has a heart next to their name in your phone book. the person that you find yourself completely head over heals for.
there are many things that i would like to say to u but i dont know how
because maybe your going to be the one that saves me
and after all your my wonderwall
by Aimee Lynne July 12, 2005
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"Yo chris, this girls wonderwalls were so tight bro!"
"Man I wanna see her wonderwalls in my bed!"
by Josh Cyr April 13, 2008
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