Not a drug city, in fact it has the least drugs of any city in the region. Industrial background, but shifting it's economy to other things. It has parks and trails along the banks of the Recreational Waterway. On this old canal, there are several rowing courses, and two rowing clubs, with thousands of rowers coming from as far away as Virginia to take advantage of it.

Welland is divided into four parts.Northwest, which is where most retail stores and the mall are located. This area also has very nice, older houses on quiet streets. Southwest region is the lowest income in the city. It is a peaceful neighborhood of almost identical townhouses and a great community. It also has four massive housing projects, which have great views of the canal and a giant park nearby. The southeast region retains its industrial heritage, with most people living in row houses that are built from the same plan. This area appears to be the most dangerous in the city, but isn't actually, with a great sense of community. The northeast section of the city is a massive new subdivision, with giant houses with pools selling for two million dollars. The loaded people live here.

Welland has three high schools, two public, and one catholic. It also has a hospital, despite the government's best efforts. The city is home to 40 beautiful murals.

Welland is an excellent place to live. Anyone who thinks it is the drug capital of North America, or a ghetto, or a slum, apparently hasn't been to Toronto.
Idiot: Welland is such a ghetto, full of drugs...
Guy: Wrong, how about you visit a place before you write an urban dictionary definition.
by DuncanD June 2, 2011
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The best thing ever happened to Welland is the Wards that kept Merion and crystal meth out of this city, The worst thing that happened is when the Hells Angels were busted, Now everybody seems to be doing herion but it's really fetnyal because there all bunch of rat junkie heads that do not know the difference between herion being China White or black tar. Not green or blue, as well the city has MORE rats then anything in Ontario. Stay the Fuck away.
Person 1: Hey man wants some down
Person:2 How green is it
Person:3 Hey Clark just got to Welland from rating, lets get some Jib!
by Dusty London August 21, 2018
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Sweaty Greek/Cypriot sexpest, will stop at nothing to wet his piece.
by Anonymous March 17, 2003
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When your gut hangs over the waist of your pants and out the bottom of your ill-fitting shirt. Named after the town of Welland, Ontario Canada
I was just in Welland the other day and this fat-ass bitch had the old Welland Hangover popping out of her sweatpants.
by diddlemethis December 20, 2011
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A word to describe a city a city that has druggies hobos begging for money by an ugly bride a dirty river crack house weed farms sketchy ghetto lots of prostitution beer stores always busy and open extra late and hookers right across the street and if the beer stores are closed there's boot leggers across the street and drug dealers in every alley and a dumpy town so basically the hood and youths commit crime and corner stores sell bongs legally and drug dealers across the street two useless canals and crime and drugs labs every street highest drug rate in North America behind LA and some cities in Mexico also no one likes the city it has many gangs and you can hear gunshots when a drug deal goes wrong the beer sucks and don't visit you'll either get murdered, raped by pedifile driving in white vans asking if you if you want free candy and puppies, you'll get drunk or hooked on drugs, or kill yourself because it's so boring , or give all your money to hobos get mugged by sketchy people hiding in alleys it's basically the purge in real life you also have a bad feeling when you're surrounded by crime it smells like weed and sewage also you see high teens every where there's about 200 hobos in a town of 50,000 houses get robbed all the time people steal things out of your cars all the time also everyone is on welfare one of the poorest towns in Canada filled with poverty and hookers bootleggers dealers addicts welfare hobos guns crime
Don't visit Welland Ontario
by Zzzzzzz4556 July 23, 2016
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A putrid looking skank that comes from dapto that likes gang rapes being gang bashed knifed ect. Loves looking for new men to cheat on and lock up

Noun: skank, hore, junky
Look at that scattered junky slut looking mess musta had a lot of dick up that big hole it touches the floor her name must be Tameka welland
by Showing junkys true colours April 26, 2017
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All addicts of Fentynal, Crack, Xanax or any form perscription medication from the city of Welland, that steal from anyone to feed their addiction or pretend to be either an individual/groups friend in order to get information leading to an arrest that helps get themselves out of trouble with the law or to shorten a possible prison sentence or even just to feed their addiction.
"Jeff" just might be the worst Welland Scum of all!
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