a group of extremely nice african american people that like donuts
i saw the crawfords at ihop
by willena July 11, 2008
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Normally a guy with a HUGE nose. Typically has a speech impedement. Awkward as hell, too. Can't make eye contact with the opposite sex without blushing and turning away, scared. Great at art! Usually has a crush on a girl named Celia.
"Dude, that guy was checking out Celia and never even talked to her... He's a total Crawford"

"Do you think I need plastic surgery on my nose? Shut the fuck up Crawford."

"He looked at Celia 148 times in 40 minutes. What a Crawford."
by Awesome Guy Not Crawford January 26, 2014
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A man who leaves, fucks over takes off on his girlfriend/wife without any warning or goodbye, never to return.
"I got home from work and my husband had packed up and left me. I had no idea he was leaving. He didn't even say goodbye. He's done a real Crawford on me!
by spoogesponge April 21, 2008
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A girl who fingers or touches herself infront of people thinking no one knows, but in reality everyone around her knows what she is doing.
Girl 1: OMG when I was sleeping over this girls house she was being a total crawford and touching herself.
Girl 2: Oh my gosh! Ew! Like I would never hang out with a crawford.
by buttersman April 13, 2008
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The skin at the tip of the penis that is removed after circumcision. It is only called a crawford once it is removed from the penis.
Child: Daddy, What's on the ground?
Dad: It looks like skin...Oh My God its a crawford!
Child: Yuck!
by farquaad121314 April 29, 2009
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The small hole on the front of the penis, used for males to pee.

penis hole males
Hey man, I just peed out my Crawford! Isn't this amazing?
by Drew Bosack June 14, 2007
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A small jewish boy with a large "jewfro". the crawford is seen as an annoying tag along kid who wants to hang with friends outside of school. he would do anything to get other friends even if that means to nark on his current "friends" he isnt very smart and has a terrible taste in movies. he is often easily scared and if he sees a scary movie and your quiet enough you can here the piss trickling down his leg.
i went to see shutter island and when it wa quiet i could only hear piss trickling down that crawfords leg in the front row
by screechintime June 10, 2010
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