Any music you hate.
Purely lyrical music without instrumentation is noise.
by January 13, 2019
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another word with multiple meanings like the word fuck.... Most accurate meaning is "dbs from machines,music,airplanes,talking,screaming,anything that makes a vibration, etc

Is also being used now to describe Drama, or plans.
You want to go to Her party.... Man fuck that noise....
Hey man, whats the noise for the night?
by NidgeDFX June 5, 2009
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The act of people causing a nuisance or making a noise.
I could not hear the TV, as the children were noising too much.
by Gadget King January 14, 2011
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When noise is brought, it results in the domination and/or pwnage of another's face. One can bring the noise on an individual or groups of individuals. The difference is shown in the example.
observer: "Holy shit! That's my boy! You bring the noise on that emo!"

observer: "Holy shit! That's my boy! You bring the noise on those emos!"
by JsunG November 22, 2008
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A Will Noise is the angry noise that someone by the name of Will or William makes if they are pissed off.

Jason: Holy shit! did u hear that?
Darcy: That sounded like a Will Noise!!!!
Jamie: Yeah i think Willy Stroker stroked his willy too hard
Ryan: We better get out of here
by hithessler May 28, 2009
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What you hear coming from the other room when your dad is banging your mom.
by passionsurf November 9, 2008
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refers to things that need to be acomplished once a desired destination is reached.
I have to go over to my sister's house and fix all that noise.
by Dr. Buttons March 24, 2003
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