3 definitions by JsunG

When noise is brought, it results in the domination and/or pwnage of another's face. One can bring the noise on an individual or groups of individuals. The difference is shown in the example.
observer: "Holy shit! That's my boy! You bring the noise on that emo!"

observer: "Holy shit! That's my boy! You bring the noise on those emos!"
by JsunG November 22, 2008
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usually what is pressed by weak pinkies while typing a question.
<iPwnn00bslol> I r teh having much of fun f@gs

<iDununderstanding> what?/
by JsunG November 22, 2008
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the banana chips that will do back flips, back kicks to chins, and also force their way down ones throat.
Look at those xtreme banana chips! look at it do a jumping flipping back kick to his chin and force his way down that guys throat.
by JsunG November 22, 2008
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