I live in Bangkok and it is an absolute shit hole - nice people, but:
800,000 underage prostitutes, massage parlour owners as government candidates - corrupt police, dirty streets and ghetos everywhere,motorbikes driven on the pavement where you walk, incredible poverty,knocking shops which have flashing neon lights and are the size of a Las vegas hotel, samurai swords for sale by the street, knives for sale in toy shops, no rear seatbelts, 3 traffic related deaths every hour, the world's worst drivers who ignore traffic lights and lanes, the world's worst traffic jams, crap busses that take ages to arrive and are overcrowded, tiny underground system, disgusting smell from the polution, a complete arsehole as the prime minister (Thaksin Shinawatra)-sanctioned southern Muslims b eing packedinto trucks like pigs so that 100+ died as a result of being suffocated, no ambulances, boat loads of stray dogs roaming the streets, huge divots in the pavement, market stalls that converge on to the pavement so you can't walk properly.

by Finesilver February 3, 2005
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Person A: "Hey, I was kinda thinking of going to Thailand for my wedding."

Person B: "Just go to Mexico, same shit, but you know, Asian."
by Daniladi13 July 25, 2010
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A country that has been exploited by greedy westerners.
by loei January 2, 2008
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The land of military coups, with army generals protecting the aristocracy and the wealthy in Bangkok, when the rich and powerful feel threatened by political parties that support the farmers and villagers.
Thailand has the world's most number of temples, but it's usually its sex industry and beautiful beaches that attract budget-conscious tourists to this land of a thousand smiles.
by MathPlus August 23, 2017
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When will you return to Thailand
Thanapat: Now,as I am the rightful heir to the throne
by Manitowack April 29, 2018
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I couldn't get laid in the 'States so I ordered my wife from Thailand.
by the bg August 22, 2004
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A country in Asia where elephants are considered humans.
by bamb00 May 10, 2005
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