1. verb. To die

2. verb. To become mechanically inoperable beyond the point of repair. See also, fucked, fubar.

entymology and usage: "shit the bed" comes from the unfortunate final humiliation when an animal's (yes, including human's) bowels completely relax at the point of death, causing the contents of the colon to be expelled. To use the term as a "euphamism" for biological death is considered to be in poor taste. It is more often colorfully used in definition 2.
1. That asshole Mr Jones never had a good word to say to anyone. At his funeral, the few attendees were secretly glad that he had shit the bed.

2. I was hoping that my car could be repaired, but the mechanic told me that it had shit the bed so I had it scrapped.
by Marc February 25, 2004
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When someone hooks up with, dates, marries, etc a horrible person.
Name inspired by Amber Heard.
John shit the bed when he started dating Jessica, she's cheated on all of her other boyfriends.
by TheAwesomeGM May 10, 2022
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Jim: What happened to the 5-0 Vikings?
Martin: They shit the bed so hard this year.
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Totally dropping the ball. Not coming through on something.
When Mike didn't show up for practice, he totally shit the bed on the rest of the band members.
by Glen W. June 9, 2005
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Make a HUGE mistake that can cost you a game or anything of value.
Pete "The Cheat" Carroll really "Shit the Bed" on that last call. It was so bad it cost him the Super Bowl.
by Don Zee February 3, 2015
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When something quits working or is about to stop working.
Can I call you back? My phone is about to shit the bed.
by Dgrace420 July 9, 2009
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A form of exclamation expressing annoyance or surprise.

To cry out suddenly in pleasure or pain.

"Shit the bed, we've been burgled!"

"Shit the bed, that feels good!"

"Shit the bed, I have a terrible hangover"
by Phil1974 December 19, 2006
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