A person who sits at home (on a perfectly good evening for going out) and masturbates.
Anna aint at the party tonight because shie is a pooner.
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Uber geeks that seek gay porn online at every waking moment
What a bunch of poonerators
by Bliss' May 23, 2006
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A term that describes men who see escorts regularly.

I haven't pooned in awhile, but I plan to return to my old pooner or pooning ways when I get paid.
by yoyodude May 17, 2008
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Noun: Someone that is a party pooper. No fun to have around.
Verb: To poon out. To drop out of a momentous group activity to the detriment of others.
"We're all cancelling our trip to Vegas because of Frank? What a pooner!"
"Don't invite JT. He's a pooner. He'll totally talk through the whole movie."
"So it looks like Steve's pooning out. What a pussy."
"Pete was going to bring the beer, but his wife found out so he totally pooned out. What a pooner."
by Basque JRED November 10, 2014
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n: a person who has fallen into a comatose like state from the consumption of large amounts of alcohol.

see also: Poonin
* "Julie is sitting in on her couch after 8 shots of smirnoff in a row. She begins to feel quite dizzy after enduring a long, yet pointless conversation. All of a sudden, she somehow passes out, smashes her head with a loud thud off of the table, bounces to the floor landing in an awkward position, and just sleeps."

Amber: AHAHAHAAH!! did you guys just see that?! That was fucking hilarious!!!

Laura: haha yeah man, that's Ju for ya.

Christine: Wow... what a pooner!
by ae123456 January 15, 2009
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A rare breed of people that poon everything and everyone.
They also use the faces of poon which are the following..
O_O O_o o_O o_o O_O!
Chris and Mike are pooners.
by Mike The Pooner November 18, 2005
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A member of the elite indoor cricket team, the "pooners" fomed at Lakeland SHS in 2007.
"Guys i heard that Mitchell is a pooner" or

"Travis, Sam, Joel, Riley, Brett and Mitch are all pooners"
by Bourmanator June 5, 2009
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