someone who grinds poon excessively to the point of clinically being considered a nymphomaniac. all pooners portray a certain "knack" for the seduction and grinding of pretty much any poon that comes their way. because of this most pooners are carriers of many different sexually transmitted diseases.
by rabidchia October 18, 2009
Slang for a transman. Probably a corruption of the word penis combined with poon, slang for vagina, with influence from terms such as ponos
That pooner is getting a phalloplasty
by Boymoder McPoyle August 28, 2022
by Scooter October 15, 2004
by drohan - and the rest of the Guelph contingent August 25, 2002
by yoyodude May 17, 2008
"Guys i heard that Mitchell is a pooner" or
"Travis, Sam, Joel, Riley, Brett and Mitch are all pooners"
"Travis, Sam, Joel, Riley, Brett and Mitch are all pooners"
by Bourmanator June 5, 2009
by Anonymous January 7, 2003