One of the best solo acoustic acts this side of the Rockies. Features the brilliant song writing and distinct vocal abilities of Jacob.

Person A: "What kind of music do you listen to?"
Person B: "Piko Panda"
Person A: "Who?"
Person B: "Piko Fucking Panda"
by redistrict July 14, 2008
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1. Someone who, like his namesake Coolio, wonders what is going on in the kitchen, but does not know what's cookin'.
2. Someone who is AWESOME in all facets of life.
3. Someone who knows that it is not nu metal.
4. Someone who thinks that you are shit at life.
5. Someone who needs a saga.
6. Someone who wishes to know what the saga is......
7. Someone who will leave the party early (again like the namesake)
Similarities are often found between "El Piko" and El Barto of "The Simpsons" fame.
El Piko will, the majority of the time greet you with a loud and cheerful MORNING! and will have lyrics to a metal song to match any occasion.
by kittyc April 6, 2009
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Absolutely fucking rank, watch this if you like heterosexual men fucking each other. Otherwise don’t ducking go near this. This anime about a pedophile who goes around fucking a 10 year old , he called as everyone would call him now a “jasmeet”.
This word should never fucking be in a sentence. “ Boku no Piko the fuck out of here”.
by Daren616 January 22, 2022
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czech slang for pervitin (type of meth)
"Pojď si s námi dát piko!"
by hrubes August 9, 2023
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Synonym : Asshole, Arsehole, Bully
This is because this company acts as bullies, and try to settle lawsuits to stop anyone who tries to port unreleased games on their own. Note that the company does buy the rights of those unreleased games (such as Glover 2), but do absolutely nothing with them.

This is an act of being arseholes, which would potentially destroy the game-preserving communities.
Don't be Piko Interactive, or your business won't last long.
by Shiine-1 October 16, 2023
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A small little muffin that resembles a puppy.
Oh that little terd is a pikoe.
by muffinodug August 10, 2010
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