By way of photographic proof, catching someone doing something incredibly damaging to their own reputation and tagging them on Facebook. As in Michael Phelps getting caught hitting a bong.
"I had my junk tucked back between my thighs, and Jessica totally phelpsed me. Now that the picture is out there I will never land gainful employment.
by Doc_X February 19, 2009
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In reference to Michael Phelps. It means getting owned/faced/dominated.
Brian: "She gave me a fake number"

You just got Phelpsed.
by pksfnwla;nfk August 17, 2008
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Losing any kind of sports race by .01 of a second or less
"Did you see that Cavic dude at the Olympics? He just got Phelpsed."
by G4L FLIP August 21, 2008
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Phelpsed (verb)

1. The act of being totally and utterly destroyed by your opponent.

2. To be horribly defeated to the point that there was no purpose for your participation in the event.

Refers to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing in which swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals, breaking a world record and decimating his competition so thoroughly that it required a word stronger than "own" or "pwn."
1. "All those other swimmers got Phelpsed."

2. "We won that game 50 to 0. The other team got Phelpsed!"
by Montressor August 26, 2008
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The scientific measurement to determine how much or how little a person, place, or thing is saturated with the influence or likeness of Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer, upcoming video game star, and dude who occasionally gets photographed smoking questionable substances out of a thick, clear tube.
"I'm most excited about it's Michael Phelpsness!"
by Krakn3Dfx February 3, 2009
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1. To be utterly shat on in any competition.

2. Losing so bad you shouldn't have even tried.

3. Being rejected by a stripper.
After Julie got phelpsed in beer pong she was wasted.
by Mace! August 18, 2008
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to Phelps

Getting super H and go swimming in a pool.

Guy 1: Have you seen Chad?

Guy 2: Ya, after he took all those pictures of himself ripping that steam roller he's been doing laps at the Y.

Guy 1: Man that guy's all about Phelpsing.

Guy 2: I can't believe you used that word you tool.
by lodge_man69 February 15, 2009
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