1. To complain, bitch or whine
2. Person who excessively complains/bitches/whines.
"All he never does is nag, nag, nag."
by Siren November 16, 2003
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1. to complain

2. an old, worn, and useless horse

3. a person who complains
Don't nag over stuff like that, it only makes me feel more like putting it off.
by The Return of Light Joker November 22, 2009
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To bug, annoy, irritate. Making a big deal out of doing something small or asking to do something excessively getting more and more pissed off. Mostly done by women afraid to lose something or are insecure. Strains marriage and usually leads to divorce. Not an excuse for love or caring about the person.
Q: Bob why haven't you picked up the mail!!!!???
A: You've asked like 50 times woman, there's no mail delivery on Sunday! Stop nagging me, I want a divorce
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What women do when they are pissed off and don't have anyone to blame. Usually done to the men that love them and try to treat them right.
by somebody October 18, 2003
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Someone who annoys or is obsessive over you or someone else
Valerie is nagging Jayden about biting his nails
by Purp1epanda19 August 6, 2017
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A male or female whom continuously complains for no reason at all.
My gosh John all you do is nag nag nag! It's so you to complain about everything!!
by Realwords21 September 15, 2016
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the act of motivation in a shrilly voice
Nagging your partner to get out of bed
by PennyLane1208 December 4, 2013
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