Metaversalism is a philosophical system that claims to have rationally proven that all possible gods and universes exist, and to have derived many interesting theological and spiritual conclusions from this answering the classic "big questions" about these subjects. Metaversalism's central concept is that of the "Metaverse," using a less common sense of Metaverse, referring to the panoply of all mathematically precise and consistently describable objects and structures. Metaversalism is most often seen promoted by the Church of Metaversalism founded by Thanos Endrizzi using various social networks.
Person A: "I think Bob must believe in Metaversalism."
Person B: "Why do you say that?"
Person A: "He says that his is the only rational religion."
by drthanos2 February 3, 2010
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a stupid ass fucking crypto scheme with no purpose that other things can't already do
Guy 1: i just bought a burger in the metaverse Guy 2: This is why your parents left you you ugly ass little loser
by BastianVF October 18, 2022
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Virtual reality to hide behind the internet and optionally glasses to avoid real interaction.
Luigi: Yo dude why weren't you at the zoo
Mario: Sorry dude, I was in the Metaverse zoo, hehehehe.
by WalkingW November 6, 2022
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Something that already existed beautifully in Persona 5 but Mark Zuckerberg wants to destroy this beautiful concept with stupid NFTs and gimmicky VR games. If you actually wanna experience the metaverse, go play persona 5. This ain't it chief.
Guy 1: Are you excited about the metaverse?
Guy 2: Metaverse as in from persona 5?
Guy 1: No I'm talking about Zuck's newest creation after rebranding FB to meta, you didn't hear?
Guy 2: Nope
Guy 1: Really? It's literally all over the news
Guy 2: Huh.
Guy 1: It would be crazy if they could port persona 5 over to the metaverse
Guy 2: I guess you could say that's very meta
Guy 1: Stop......
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 24, 2022
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Slang for a location where gay orgies are planned.
A: Hey dude, i'm getting together a gay orgy.
B: Sure, lets get back to the Metaverse and plan it out
A: Fuck yeah!
by rv33 May 14, 2021
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"Students will one day go from physical Universities to a Metaverse University, otherwise known as a Metaversity.
by OscarG13 December 1, 2021
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