Dude...is that a math-rock?
by Meh February 14, 2005
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Progressive Rock, but with all the blues, feel and groove sucked out of it. Everything is mathematically calculated.
Wow, after hearing Math Rock, I feel like I just listened to a bunch of robots playing music with absolutely no emotion. I think I'll go listen to Gentle Giant now.
by Unplugged Red Piller September 4, 2011
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1. A term that encompasses most all modern progressive rock or metal that places emphasis on time signature modulation and meter as opposed to dynamics, melody, or harmony. "Math rock/metal" encompasses everything from the jazzier leanings of post rock act Slint, to the phrase swapping and odd meters of the Dillinger Escape Plan, and even the hemiola and polyrhythm experiments of bands like Meshuggah and Tool.

2. A term often falsely described as "intelligent music" by people who simply regurgitate what they are told and apparently have no idea how to count.
by Sommy July 9, 2004
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A term coined by @trans_zero on Twitter, meaning crack cocaine so high quality it will take tons of math to figure out how much you’ll make selling it.
Damn, Chris started selling math rock a week ago, he’s still doing the math on his first sale
by Lexiiiiii_ June 25, 2021
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A type of Progressive rock or metal. The "math" part of the name comes from the intricate polyrhythms and time signatures. Bands include: Messhugah, Opeth, Tool
"Holy crap, this band Messhugah is the epitome of math metal! Almost every one of their songs is in 23/16 meter."
by Devin April 3, 2004
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1. A subgenre of rock music defined through its use of complex time signatures.

2. A die.
1. Toes is a great math rock band.

2. Check out these math rocks I just picked up from Dragons Keep!
by Ganondox October 26, 2022
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