Empress of the new right, idol of the conservative partyand daily mail readers everywhere. Famous for beating the hell out of Argentina when they tried to take back the Falklands (the falkwhat? - exactly) - a teeny bunch of islands off the south cost of Argentina that nobody had ever heard of.

Responsible for the miners strikes of the 80s, 'black wednesday', the poll tax and making council houses available to be bought by their occupants.

She famously said "This ladys not for turning" over the poll tax. The old dear was eventually made to shut the hell up and remove the tax that was massively unpopular.

The old Iron Lady did not do much for feminism. You finally get a woman in charge and she messes everything up. Ta very much Mags!

Looks strangely like Noel Edmonds when a beard is drawn on her
Margaret Thatcher: "The peasants are revolting. Jeeves, send out the police to batter them senseless"
by Boylio March 12, 2006
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'A little local difficulty' the title of the chapter in her autobiography concerning the poll tax.
by gavin March 26, 2005
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Someone whose grave i cannot wait to piss on. Is George Bush as a woman. They both have that same "nobel Brow".
by Who is who April 22, 2007
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Worst thing ever to happen to the country. Drove the economy, job market and country into the ground, repeatedly, at speed.

Living (well, sort of) proof that the Torys are evil beyond belief.
Margret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson clusterfucked England until it bled.
by e March 29, 2005
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prime minister of UK between 1979 and 1990. First female, and given what she did to the country, probably the last female. Granted the powers to the EU that the conservative party now complained about. Had an unjustified war with argentina and killed tens of thousands of people overa bunch of frozen rocks when diplomacy would have got us back the islands that meant nothing to everyone in mainland UK and lots to the little racist people on them. trebled unemployment, shut down the mines (it is now worked out that if she left them alone, then it would have made the country a profit, rather than costing millions and putting thousands on the dole). oh, and a little thing called the poll tax.

In other words, the most overrated leader of the UK since the monarchy was in charge.
tory: margaret thatcher was the best thing that ever happened to this country. She put all those poor people in their place.
by RobMaaan November 27, 2005
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the act of completely fucking someone in the ass and then insulting them, only to be praised by the smallest dicks in the land
"Did you hear simon pulled a margaret thatcher last night?" "Oh yes, marc can't shut up about him."
by November 26, 2020
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A total idiot who systematicly destroyed a whole industry and ruined england. unfortunatley the tories still live. admired by some - hated by more
"you're a tosser, you're a tosser and you're just a tory swine"

"I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end." - Margaret Thatcher
by Katie-Ann May 6, 2008
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