A school bus transporting high school students. While it's customary from elementary and middle school students to ride the bus to and from school, a high school student is a "loser" if they aren't driving, getting rides with friends or doing after-school activities.
Wow, look at that loser cruiser going by with just one teenager on it sitting in the front!
by SToleniPOD February 26, 2010
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Commuter train that delivers commuters from the suburbs to the
"Im going into town tomorrow on the Loser Cruiser."
by Brent June 18, 2006
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The ride you're on when everything you do screws up.
Just after the lame job interview I bailed on the stairs on the way out. Someone get me off this loser cruiser!
by Olive_oil May 11, 2009
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A vintage, (i.e. nothing newer than 1980) small motored, street bike that is in imaculate, original condition.
"-so this old tattooed dude was totally rockin' a Loser Cruiser"
by Retardo Montobond January 3, 2009
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