cocaine; Santa is certainly familiar with snow if he can run around to all those houses in one night.
I couldn't feel my face after all that Santa's little helper. I could touch it, but couldn't feel it.
by jburke524 September 18, 2011
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Linda would not have made it thru the day if not for momma's little helper.
by Texarkanapilot August 11, 2006
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Are you Lisa's little helper?

by Axel<3 October 17, 2022
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santa's little bitch who follows his fat ass around and kisses it
Santa: Hey, you. Kiss my ring, bitch. I'm Santa Clause, bitch (saying like Rick James)
Santa's Little Helper: Yes, oh great one. Would you also like a blowjob?
Santa: Nah, not tonight. But get me my 40.
by MayaEA July 10, 2006
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a term first coined by bruno morphet when referring to jaunbrand. it is normally used in a hushed tone.
hey bruno morphet. please make sure you put satan's little helper on the guestlist.
oh fuck. better pack in some girlie house.
by alan June 14, 2004
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when a black guy dresses up as santa claus or mrs. claus at a truck stop and goes up to a horny redneck and asks what he wants for christmas. the redneck must say you they get on a random flatbed and put on a show for the whole yard of horny rednecks then the black guy while getting rammed in the asshole shoots up heroine into the horndog and then drags him back to the truck where he dresses the truck driver in santa claus suit and cuts out his mouth and his own dick and puts it into his mouth and shoves the horndogs fist up his ass til it ruptures the lower intestine and then the helper writes in shit, blood, and/or semen across the windshield "kkk you can suck my bloody butthole"
by Big Black Cock October 17, 2008
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A teleprompter. Namely used for someone who can't be caught talking on TV without a Teleprompter.
"Man, this weatherman is a moron! He can't talk for more than three words without using Obama's little helper!"
by Cruisemissleking, bitch! April 12, 2010
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