To J(joke) O(on) A(a) N(nigga)
by Dat Boi Trae September 21, 2006
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talking about some one
Bob: james... i think im bout to get yo ugly ass lookin like the jolly YELLOW gaint.

James: Bob you not funny stop joaning
by big D!(k August 26, 2006
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to be joaned or joan'd is when someone owns or burns you
with a witty comment ('burned' like joan of arc)
jerry: so's your mum jack
phil: oooh burn
sarah: jack you got joaned!
by hello-jess January 24, 2011
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She is a beautiful black girl, short natural hair and wears yellow a lot. She has a big mid set , she is very funny but hates taking pictures
Oh look at that Joan 😱
by Red fox 102 April 13, 2019
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Joan is a nice person good from the heart only to his friends and riders and bloods/bsfs and fights alot vape weed smoke and has dark brown eyes in witch change colors in day and night Joan is loyal but he will always have girls that send him nudes or want to Fuck him but once in a relationship there gone he calls them sides and hoes but he pulled alot allot of girls and he had nice eye brows and curly hair but don't get in his bad side he gets violent he's been in juve alot of times and surprisingly he hasn't lost a fight yet but he's stalish beautiful fine ASF cute and always wearing stuff like Gucci lv joradans champion Nike yeezys type stuff but they check his backpack so sometimes he won't be able to bring what he wanted cuz it's for going out but Joan is loyal and fights for the person they loveeventho people say shit about him he don't care he says yeah w.e am me and he's a blood and hasabig dick and he sends nudes he's a freak
Joan be looking cute fine ASF and fresh look at that fit Joan is always wearing stuff like Gucci lv joradans champion Nike yeezys stuff but he look Soo fine
by Alot of girls love him February 3, 2019
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