Based on the movie "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray. It is the idea that every action that one makes; the rewards and consequences of those actions are not followed through the next day. If someone were to make a big choice, commit a crime, offend someone, make a mistake, or meet someone through out a period of a regular 24 hr. day, those rewards and consequences for all of those actions are not carried through the next day. It is all forgotten. In other words, it's like yesterday never happened. Therefore this pattern can keep on repeating for an unknown amount of time.
Last night, Larry inadvertently said an offensive racial comment that offended many people. However, the very next day Larry experenced a Groundhog Day Effect. All was forgotten and everyone he offended seemed to have forgotten the incident. Therefore, Larry is in the same position as he was before he made the comment.
by AJHM December 29, 2007
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A lightweight sounding but serious mental illness that consumes some people to the point of living for that single day of the year when Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his hidden place; what’s worse is the full picture of obsessive preparation often leading to ruinous financial consequences and severe social isolation that sometimes accompanies this devastating disorder.
Somehow I never suspected that my brother was suffering from Groundhog Day Disorder, but when we found out, it all came together and answered so many previously unanswered questions.
by Dr Bunnygirl November 18, 2019
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The phenomenon of having to come out as transgender to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that your gender identity was a "phase." Refers less to the holiday and more to the 1993 Bill Murray comedy film in which the main character experiences the same day over and over.
by June 25, 2021
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When you are licking your mates asshole and you suck it so hard that a little brown poop pokes its head out
I'll suck your ass if you promise not to go Groundhog day on me!
by Sharon P. April 8, 2005
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The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that your sexuality was a "phase." Refers less to the holiday and more to the 1993 Bill Murray comedy film in which the main character experiences the same day over and over.
"My visit home turned into Bisexual Groundhog Day. My mom acted shocked when I told her I'm going to Pride next week, so I had to come out to her as bisexual AGAIN."
by Tiggy Upland April 15, 2014
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The act of biting the head off a bat to see if there will be 6 more weeks of quarantine.
Wuhan celebrated chinese groundhog day a little to hard this year.
by KSC707 April 28, 2020
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when you ask google for groundhog day and google says if you meant groundhog day
groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day

groundhog day
by yeetus yeetus commit self dele February 10, 2023
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