1.Someone who has a mass of phone numbers but no one ever answers their calls.

2. A social loner.

3. Someone who thinks everybody likes them when nobody actually does.
Bill:"Oh god here comes Ben, he's such an Ethiopian phonebox."
Bill:"Oh hey",*thinks*,"i wish he would leave us alone!"
by Swedishhousegoose March 23, 2014
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Taking a crap. Usually of a large magnitude, where the toilet will probably clog. This may take 10, 20, possibly 30 minutes.
Dude, I just released the Ethiopians in my girlfriend's bathroom, now its clogged.

Need to go release some Ethiopians, shouldn't take too long.

Ocupado, releasing the Ethiopians in here.
by admiralawesome12 June 14, 2010
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What you say when you don't care about information someone has said to you and you want them to go away. Other than just yelling out: "GO AWAY!", you just say: "Did you say Vagina Ethiopian?" Most likely they will just run away screaming.
scenario 1:

Tina: Did you know that people lick peoples butts?
Emmet: Did you say Vagina Ethiopian?
Tina: No.. EWWW!!

scenario 2:

Bob: I saw down my kindergarten teacher's shirt and saw that she had no bra! Jackpot!
Brenden: Did you say Vagina Ethiopian?
by penis_glove June 9, 2019
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Ah...The Ethiopian Freestyle. A potent sex move kept within small circles of elite warriors of the Oromo tribe of Ethiopia. The fertile female, on all fours, must raise her rump in submission to her partner. The sturdy shafted male inserts himself and flattens out his body. Still maintaining his balance, he performs the freestyle stroke, as if attempting to preserve himself from drowning. The frenzied nature of the technique necessitates a keen sense of balance, iron resolve, and of course, a willing female with little to no self esteem.
Aroused from battle, Pongwa rushed home and excitedly performed some Ethiopian Freestyle with his concubine, Olubunmi
by Who is the real Rob Ruder April 15, 2010
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Durring Sexual intercourse without any warning to your partner you release your bowels all over your partners chest.
My girlfriend always wanted to try something new during sex so i decided to give her an Ethiopian Mudbath, she wasn't to happy.
by melo -nsf- February 9, 2010
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The act of “going blackface” with someone’s, or one’s own feces.
Oh boy, how I love a good Ethiopian Johnny in the morning!”

“Dude, I can the smell that that chick got an Ethiopian Johnny last night from here!”
by Butter_Mage January 27, 2023
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this is commonly known as a prison move. The Ethiopian Hedgehog is a defensive maneuver in the case of anal rape, where the possible target of the attack uses a large amount of pomade to spike up their anus hairs and allows to dry. The attacker would then be surprised when attempting to mount the victim when a a hair-spike either pokes the head of their penis or enters the urethra.
Yeah my big buddy was gonna try and cornhole me but I already had my Ethiopian Hedgehog ready.
by Free Muffins December 23, 2014
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