1. Engaging in relentless lying and manipulation for personal advantage in a political environment.

2. Engaging in bestial acts in order to achieve a false perception of authority and self-worth.
The government has been duttoning the constituency over its Sports-rorts affair.

Term derived from Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton MP
by FFitnessFFirst May 3, 2020
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A nut job therapist at an elementary school. Sucks at helping people's problems and gave candy to a kid, which he choked on. Also, thought a this girl was crazy because she was telling scary stories to her friends, which every other kid does that, tf? Dutton is wrinkly and ugly and always laugh's and doesn't know what body language is. Has no friends, because she is a loser and needs to get ran over by a huge truck.
Why is Dutton eating out of the trash? She's so gross...
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Similar to a leech, a "Dutton" is a homeless degenerate who claims to be successful when in reality they just hop from couch to couch. May also claims to take risks and that they're creative but they've only ever proven to be good at making Chicken McNuggets. They may also take all they can get from their successful friends.
Damn man, my friend last night tweeted that he's hanging out with millionaires and living in the hills while on my couch, what a Dutton!
by yungDefinerr November 28, 2017
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Your such an Ellis Dutton
Why can’t I be like Ellis Dutton
by Dead warrior 10 March 27, 2022
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a fat whore with no life and who is a serious potato. Sometimes he is know as a pussy cat and a thicc dick sucker
by 420dikboithicboi69 September 15, 2019
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If you have a girlfriend that goes on vacation or a trip away from you for more than three day you have the right to cheat on her with anyone of your choice without repercussions.
I’m sorry I had sex with her bae but, that’s Dutton’s law
by Jacobw003 March 28, 2022
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Origins: Chinese lab
scientific definition: Chinese lab escapee with an alter ego as Home Affairs Minister
questions are raised to whether peter Dutton originated from a Chinese laboratory focussing on the growth of potato mutants
by lilpumpkinshrimp May 6, 2020
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