Someone who is worthless, broken in nature, and not worth a flying hoot. They leave stuff for everybody else. They often respond with "its not my job" and tend to think they are still better then everyone despite their broke dickness.
David was a Broke Dick, for he never did anything and nobody liked him. DavI'd must spend his miserable existence being a broke dick that everybody hates.
by Everyonesucks1210 December 5, 2016
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"Broke Dick" refers to any noun that exemplifies the best traits of its specific class and flat out can't be beaten. Better than anybody or anything else. Most likely to have traits or come near the desired outcome.
She: "This is the best BBQ sauce I ever had."
He: "It's like a broke dick."
She: "A broke dick?"
He: "You can't beat it!"

She "Your love for me is like a broke dick."
He: "What do you mean?"
She: "You can't beat it!"
by Robster Craw April 25, 2008
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1. the place of fear and pain you go when your dick cracks during sex
2. Nickname for a broski who's too fat to get a boner
Man I'm scared. My girl and I took a trip to broke dick mountain last night and I'm not sure I can get a boner again.
by Heypow January 10, 2015
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Reacently I submitted a movie I wrote to hollywood about my battle with erectile dis function I think you will like it i call it "broke dick fountain"

-Ron White
by LMxDurgex December 25, 2008
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A very bad situation that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Or in this case the lowliest creature on earth. A broke-dick dog.
Dutch: Hey Billy, give me a way out of this hole. Aerial says we are cut off.

Billy: The only way outta here is that valley that leads to the east. But I wouldn't wish that on a Broke Dick Dog.
by Marine0311 November 9, 2011
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When someone's dick is unfuckable, as in bent or diseased. Particularly when surrounded by similar dicks.
Men sending me dick pics and it's broke dick mountain. I don't want to see that! I'm not your urologist!
by Piratical December 18, 2016
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A Broke Dick Fucktard is an anal wart on society.

You can easily find the broke dick fucktard in the crowd by:
1 - The atrocious odor! (The only time A BDF has been known to bathe is in the delousing spray at the local Jail)
2 - The shifty eyes (A BDF will continually look toward his favorite shopping place. Your dumpster.)
3 - The over-inflated ego (A BDF will always tell you a better way to do it, for he/she is an expert.)
4 - The BDF will have always had some "awesum job" even if only for a week or two.

IE: A rodeo clown or maybe underwater welder.
5 - A BDF is a leach. (A BDF will not contribute to anything but stupidity!)

Beware of your local BDF. From a distance they seem like any other normal citizen.

It is only at close range where you can smell their severe odor and see their contribution to the gradual increase stupidity world wide!)
It is recommended that you keep your distance from any suspected BDF. The CDC has not issued any warnings about the condition being contagious yet but we suspect that the population is expanding at an alarming rate!
Hey baby keep your distance from that Hoyt guy. He smells like the biggest Broke Dick Fuctard I ever had the misfortune to experience! OMG the whole group of them seem to be Broke Dick Fucktarded!
by Hwytech March 8, 2021
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