Dick broke

Instead of heart broken you would be dick broken because the girl with the fat ass got a boyfriend and you can't fuck her anymore.
Tzuri was dick broken when his bottom bitch Shaneequa got married because he couldn't smack that fat black ass anymore.
by CapitalJOO January 30, 2016
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broke dick

A commonly used military term used to describe a person who is either injured or faking injury to get out of training.
Private Pyle is suffering vaginal discharge and is now a broke dick on profile.
by John Smith March 23, 2005
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broke dick

A Navy term describing a sailor or piece of equipment that is not functioning properly...
1. Push that broke dick cannon overboard, its just added weight we don't need...
2. Tell that broke dick Private Pyle I said to get to work...
by The CopyCat January 6, 2008
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broke dick

Any situation that is totally weak and stupid or someone who is totally pathetic and weak
"This place is broke dick and that guy in the front row is broke dick!"
by John January 28, 2004
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broke dick

When an erection is bent too far and a blood vessel breaks in the penis causing a hematoma , pain , and loosing erection.
Playing torpedo the tuna boat in the hot tub gave me a broke dick.
by Cavedweller June 25, 2006
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Broke Dick

That tall tell insult that you heard your grandmother tell your grandfather as there walking by a group of very pretty young women. As a reminder that his days of wishing he could tap that are long over
Listen old man, pick your tongue up..You old broke dick bastard. You got to get it up before you get it out
by Nick Danger Brother January 17, 2022
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Broke Dick

Jose is such a Broke Dick. I do all the work while he sits on his lazy ass.
by lasvegasshark April 10, 2009
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