Breasts that appear to be good when inside the bra. When the bra is removed, the breasts are not what you expected.

Bra technology has been dramatically improved over recent years and it has recently become very difficult to tell what a girl's breasts will look like naked. By the time you find out, it is already too late.
Kevin - Dude, I saw you leave with that girl the other night, what happened?

Matt - Ah man, I thought she was hot, I got her home but she had deceivers.

Kevin - Damn, I feel your pain...
by MDMC January 14, 2011
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The equivalent of a Rick Roll on YouTube, but with a Justin Bieber video, instead of Rick Astley.

Can also happen on torrent when you think you are downloading a James Bond movie called "Never Say Never" and then find out it's a Justin Bieber movie.
Not again! I clicked on this video for the iPad 2 preview, and I was Bieb Deceived!
by Vapor S. Thompson February 27, 2011
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Fake Feelings, when someone lies to you making you feel like they love or care about you in order to get personal gain over you
That girl don’t really love Chris she’s showing deceived emotions
by popular loner ¡ July 29, 2020
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One who fibs incessantly to the area in or around your titties
He just pulled my shirt down and whispered sweet nothings right into my areolas... It wasn't until it was all over that I realized that he was just Beelzebubing my boobies!

He's such a Nipple Deceiver!
by #SoNotAJames May 4, 2020
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When you've been deceived by your beautiful android into thinking you can catch someone in 4k when really the quality is ass.
Your wife is cheating on you.
You: *whips out android and snaps a pic*
..back at home, your wife comes back.
You: "Got yo ass in 4k!"
*looks at picture*
Picture: *is blurry asf*
You: "FUCK! I've been andie deceived!"
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when a fat girl takes a pic (generally at high angle) to make herself appear non fat.
that girl has deceiver pics on her myspace page, ew.
by Tridot July 12, 2010
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A gay man who flies under a womans gaydar, and appears to be straight
Marisa thought she was on her way to a hookup last night, but the guy turned out to be a beaver deceiver.
by Ben Hawks March 8, 2007
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