A cum rag is a device used to catch ejaculation fluid after one. A cum rag is usually an old t-shirt, towel, sock, pretty much anything handy of the sorts. In a typical masturbathon, people will use a cum rug. A cum rug is basically an enlarged cum rag.
Guy: Mom! Did you take my cum rag?
Mother: Yeah. It needed washed. It was all crusty.

(Cum Rug)
Announcer 1: Oh! Ricky Valdez's cum rug is taking punishment!
Announcer 2: It's all crusty!
by LordOhLAWD June 19, 2011
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1. (n)a cloth, usually an article of dirty laundry, used to clean ejaculant from the body after masturbating--or sexual intercourse in the case of coitus interruptus.

2. (n)a distasteful insult.
1. Yo, would you-like-grab that cum rag from beneath my bed before this stuff crusts over?

2. You want ME to grab it? What a CUM RAG!
by evil little monkey June 16, 2005
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A worthless person. A person that deserves no respect.
A girl that everyone gets to fuck. An easy lay.
Paola is such a fucking CUM RAG, she just sits around doing nothing all day long, what worthless piece of shit!

Carol is such a CUM RAG, the whole town has gotten a piece of her.
by Al Bravo May 19, 2006
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Along with being something that you cum into, it can also be another word for slut. A girl who cheats a lot is an absolute cum rag.
It's also a pretty good general insult. Call your friend a cum rag today!
Ugh, josh is such a cum rag.

She's so hot... What a cum rag.

I frantically used a dish towel as a cum rag as my mom started opening the door.
by Xakez May 30, 2022
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My new neighbor is always drunk and shooting guns in the middle of the day, he is such a cum rag.
by Montana moonshadow March 14, 2016
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A cum rag is a towl or rag used to wipe "semen" or "jizz" off a certain area. Usually used during oral sex when semen is ejected into the eye socket or on the breasts, making it a "jizzy tit." Using this rag will make God hate you and he will make your babies retarded and look like the 19th child the Dugar family popped out. Like, Jesus Christ, sew her puss together. Anyways, yeah. Cum rags give you rashes, STDs, and a one way ticket to hell.
"Oh Harold! You got your stupid Jew sperm in my effin' eye! Damn! Get the damn cum rag!"

"Hey porch monkeys, get those damn cum rags off your head!"

"Hey Trish, get the cum rag, I came prematurely."
Trish "Goddamn, lower the damn Viagra, you stupid Hebrew. On the new shag carpet? SHIT EAT SOME HAM."
by Trish_The_Hebrew May 9, 2010
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