An odd behavior shared only by psychotic apes (a.k.a, Homo Sapien Sapien) in which they literally burn a fellow psychotic ape's body literally to ashes. The ashes are either spilled outside somewhere, thus making the whole process pointless, or left in a disgusting unsanitary jar inside the dwelling of a psychotic ape.
Bob: What do you wish they do with your body when you die?

Tom: I want them to burn my body beyond recognition, and spread the resulting ashes in my next-door neighbor's backyard. They call it "cremation"

Bob: Why in the hell would you do that?

Tom: I don't know, but alot of people are doing it, so I'm following!
by Poid May 28, 2007
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Hank never drops logs in the can, only cremates that cause him to wipe numerous times.
by dadaevan May 23, 2007
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To achieve a very intence high on Marijuana. Often associated with "couch-lock".
"Dude, like... you know when I say.. that like... man... I am cremated"
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A very harsh insult.
Oh shit, that was a burn right there... No wait, it was a cremator.
by Chief Vash April 28, 2005
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If you were cremated what vinyl record would you like your ashes to be made into?
Anon: If you were cremated what vinyl record would you like your ashes to be made into?
biggest-gaudiest-fish: Oh my gosh I can’t believe I got the Cremation question!! My song would have to be: Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco
by Holosexual Patronus November 19, 2018
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When you're fucking a girl, she pours gasoline all over your dick, she uses a match/lighter to ignite it, and you shove your burning cock into her pussy.
I was with Jessica last night and i had to go to the fucking hospital after we fucked. Turns out she is into Vaginal Cremation
by UncleCrustyOfYT October 25, 2015
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Disposing of a body by throwing it into a vat of molten steel at a steel mill. All evidence is gone in seconds, and the shift boss can just adjust the amount of carbon added to the the mix to avoid changing the brittleness or tensile properties of the steel.
"I've been trying to pay Little Tony D'Agostino $250 for the Jets game, but I haven't seen him in a week."

"He had a Youngstown Cremation last week. If Twitch Eye Eddie asks you for the money, give it to him. If no one says nothing, you skated."
by Willie Ray Pugh October 26, 2013
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