A woman who rides a different penis every day/night.
I've heard she's a cock jockey. Might want to wrap that up properly, maybe even spray some Purell.
by Joe Spring December 13, 2010
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One who rides a cock like a jockey rides a horse. Usually used between teenage males to signify being a dick, a dumbass,or to let someone know that they're acting faggy.
Man, that Joe is a real cock jockey! I asked him if a could borrow five bucks and he called me a douche and walked off. Must be that time of the month!


Did you see Caitlin today? What a cock jockey! I wouldn't mind puttin' one through her!
by the big sleaze October 28, 2006
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someone who rides alot of dick
Ed Espinoza is a cock jockey
by spiffy spleaf April 20, 2004
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The jockey of cock can sometimes be a gay man who doth ride the scepter of another man.

But is also Brighton slang for someone (male or female) who is to be derrided and looked on as a person of poor social substance.
"Man, don't be such a cock jockey, next you'll be telling me you like Good Charlotte"
by Tmacb May 20, 2005
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A female who enjoys the company of men...many men..sometimes 2 or 3 at a time. An oldham local.
"Did you know sarah slept with paul last night, and dean, and mike, and steve...she's such a cock jockey/Oldham local"
by zimmo August 16, 2006
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A person that sucks cock like it's an Olympic sport. Often found in the locker rooms naked and slapping other men's asses with towels. Sucks for free but if you pay they might let you ram them.
Ryan: I like that guy, he seems like a cock jockey.
Alex: Stop that, you gay cunt.
by a real gay cuntuhhh May 18, 2018
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A professional horse racer who also happens to be a male chicken.
Hay look, it's a cock jockey running down the motorway.
by Tallywacker Tom January 2, 2004
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