fred: lets go sit on the couch
bob: nah.. chairs where its at.
by casablanca10 April 22, 2009
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a word used to describe a person in the room who has no purpose. this person is just there and doesn't matter
"Dude what are these two girls doing here. They're just a couple of chairs."
by isugirl February 27, 2014
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A word used in Ireland and some parts of Britain , is where a male would sit on a chair and the female would sit facing him with her two legs on separate sides and they would kiss for a long time ,the males hands would be grasping the females booty
Tom: How far did you go with Gloria last night?

Jack :She was chairing me for 5 minutes pal.
by Pablokeene89 February 15, 2018
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The pairing/ship for Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl.
Chuck is played by Ed Westwick
Blair is played by Leighton Meester
My perfect couple in GG is Chair.
by iree8 October 1, 2011
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The electric chair, created by a dentists, it is now the most popular way of state execution in the united states.
Firing squad or the chair?
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 16, 2004
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A form of seating used to keep oneself off of the ground.
Can also be used as an insult.
"I sat on a chair to keep my jeans clean!"
"You are a CHAIR!"
by Hammy the great January 9, 2018
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(N) A raised platform on one would sit to keep one's self off the dirt which is on the ground. Chairs, the plural of chair, can be padded to maximize the comfortility of one's sitting session.
-"Dude that is a nice chair your sitting on, i love the padding on it, it must be such a comfortable sitting session you are experiencing"
"yes, quite"
by Yung Simon July 27, 2005
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