The act of a woman giving you a blow job and then secretly slipping her finger in your but and curling her finger in a hook shape so you can't pull it out while doing her best impression of captain Hook.
Everything was going good last night until she Captain Hooked me.
by Mr.funster February 19, 2018
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The evil one handed pirate in Peter Pan. He lost his hand to a crocodile while he was holding a clock. The crocodile still stalks him to this very day.
Capatian Hook sir! It's that crocodile again!
Get him away from me!
by chozoelder July 8, 2004
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A penis bent either to the left or right. Normally is not a slight bend but a curve. Almost always an undesirable trait.
by Stanli March 21, 2006
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When you you give a girl dick and she keeps coming back for more and more. Hence your dick is shaped like a hook.
Randy: They call me Captain Hook...
Brandon: What?
Randy: My dick is shaped like a hook..
Brandon: (Laughs) What?
Randy: Cuz them bitches keep coming back.
by Randy Rocket March 29, 2009
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When you walk up behind a man with legs akimbo, yell "Captain Hook!" at the top of your lungs, and kick them square in the nuts from behind.
Man, that asshole pissed me off so bad, I gave him a Captain Hook for good measure.
by Chilidog February 1, 2007
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Fingering a girl then "hooking" the finger in her mouth.
Friend: "Yo how'd it go last night?"
You: "I Captain Hooked that shit!"
by jellymomo March 29, 2011
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To have a crooked penis.
Little Joe had to fuck Mallisa to the side because of his captain hook.
by deez nutz in yo mouth March 15, 2007
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