pwn (vt. or vi.) 1. to defeat (someone)thoroughly or to a great extent 2. to outdo or outmatch (someone) past tense - pwnt or pwned ( ? < leet speak/gaming terminology p + (o)wn)
"I totally pwned." "That was pwning." "You got pwnt!"
by DJ May 4, 2003
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To dominate or be better than; to be superior to.

Originally a typo for "own".
by dibtio March 19, 2006
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pwns is a term for describing the act of dominating over someone or something
pepper pwns all ya'll's mammys...WHAt?! wHAT?!? yee...that's what I thought.
by solved October 2, 2007
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online slang. means to beat or demolish someone else in a game.
by exoskel8 January 12, 2009
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To completely kick a guy's ass, usually in a game. Originally a common typo of "own". It started out in games like Counter-Strike, where the spammers usually suck ass at typing.
*Player 1 kills Player 2 25 times in a row with a pistol*

Player 1: Pwned!
by aisdufhewak January 30, 2009
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v. To dominate another, often in online gaming.

Originally a misspelling, 'pwn' has come to also be considered a contraction of the 'Perfect Own" of an opponent.

History: Pwn first surfaced in online play in 1992 - 1993 when MMORPGs were better known as MUDs. Pwn reached it's peak as a standard term amongst game players around the time of Bungie's Battle.Net (1997-).

Pwn has been absorbed into other common online-originating language mediums since then, such as Leet Speak and Singlish.

Other Uses:
Pwning, Pwnage, Pwned (past tense), Pwnt (past tense).
by Dann K July 8, 2005
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A term that developed as a typo of "own", appearing in various games. Later, it referred to the complete and total destruction or "ownage" of an opponent. Nowadays, it has no genuine meaning and has been seen as punctuation.
Old usage: "Dude, you just totally pwned that guy"
Later usage: "0mg 1 kil u!!11!1! pwnt"
Current usage: A:"If you work on your aim, you will get more kills." B: "pwnt" C: "Yeah, I suppose we need to learn." B: "OMG LURNIN IS FAEL pwnt pwnt pwnt"
by Pepsiman May 20, 2009
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