Origins stem from owned, ownage, ownt. The character 'o' is next to the character 'p' on the keyboard. It was formed when some anonymous original party accidentally hit the 'p' for the word "OWNED".

It has the exact same meaning as the verb to own. The two words and their derivatives can be used interchangeably.

1. When a player is severely beaten by another player or party of players, in a game.
2. An expletive about a situation where something painful, embarassing, or bad happens to someone in real life.

The main dispute with this word is its pronunciation. It is originally believed that the 'p' is an accident and therefore not pronounced. However, several pronunciations have become accepted: p'ownt, pwynt, pinnt, etc.
1. Gamer 1: I just killed your entire group and won the game.
Gamer 2: You pwnt us all...

2. Oh my God, did you see that guy get hit by that car? He was pwnt!
by Shifty Eyed Goat June 16, 2004
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A sudden, decisive and somewhat catastrophic ownage. the word originates from pwnage which roots from ownage. A synonym would be ownt and can be used in the same context.
killerking is blown out of cover by insomniac's grenade, then mercilessly sniped in the head.

insomniac: pwnt

killerking disconnected
by insomniac888 October 30, 2006
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After reading what others have posted regarding this 'word', I decided I had to post the real origins of this word, as everyone had left out an important part of the word's makeup: the 'P'.


The word is a simple combination of pawn/pawned and own/owned.

by dabounca September 18, 2011
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Severely schooled. Past tense of "pwn". (I disagree with the pronunciation, it should be "own't". The P (being next to the O on a keyboard) is an intentional typo. It's not supposed to be said aloud, thats just incredibly stupid.
"he got pwnt!"
by Legacy July 11, 2003
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A sarcastic typo of ownt. See Ownt.
i pwnt j00 newb.
by nocturnal January 24, 2003
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when u get totally owned lolz its so gg tho omg rofl tanks
hay my buggy in bf2 got pwnt!!!

oh noes MS crit for 2k!!! pwnt!!!!
by Todd Duke August 28, 2006
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1.Beating someone at an activity ie. An Online game, and using saying "pwnt!" as a show of victory.

Contrary to other bacrounds I've heard a more interesting one where it developed from "porn owned" as in saying its as good as or better than porn.
ya fkrs got pwnt bitch.
by Xandrius April 4, 2005
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