When someone of a particularly submissive or 'bottom' nature becomes flustered over text message and spams their keyboard.
Person 1: (Complements person 2)
Person 2: skghalkfhajkfhkadlgj (This is an example of 'Bottom Spam')
by Jester1NZ January 12, 2023
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"the bottom" is a slang term thats used by local miamians to describe (dade county) as being one of the most southern last counties in the state of florida and america and on the east coast.it is heard thru miami music street dudes and locals alike.
outta towner: im from up north new york

miamian: im from the bottom dade county to be exact
by Dade305FL October 12, 2020
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where this post is
im at the bottom :)
by zenvio January 18, 2022
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Wrestling involves a top and a bottom position. Wrestling from the bottom position can be difficult because the bottom wrestler must get out from under the weight and the advantage/grasp of the top wrestler.

In office politics, the bottom wrestler is the employee who is pinned down to the shit work that nobody else wants to do.
"Every time Stew accepts Karen's shit work, he's setting himself up always being the bottom wrestler."

"As the bottom wrestler, you're so close to getting pinned for good. You gotta' get out from under that shit!"
by Dangle McDiggler October 28, 2019
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Bottom Corner of an organisation's computer screen, as if you have been flagged, and you are to be given an extremely hard time in everything to do with them in retaliation of something they think you may of said or done in the past involving that organisation or it affiliates in which they didn't like.
I was speaking to someone about the way I was treated by a government agency when I rang them to ask a question, and he said, " That's because you've been put in the Bottom Corner".
by Barry the believer October 15, 2022
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A distinctive fart that only is produced by a bottom after receiving penetrative anal sex due to the abundance of anal lubricant and/or cum, causing a particular long and wet farting noise.
1: "How come Eric always seems to have stomach issues after leaving Dave's room?"

2: "Must be a case of the bottom farts."
by Perchancer August 11, 2022
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