
(also "fan art")
Art of any form, usually electronic or drawn free hand, that uses characters or settings from a popular television show, novel, cartoon, anime, or movie as the subject. See also wordslashword
by V August 28, 2003
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unofficial, fan drawn artwork based on a videogame or other work of fiction
That is some of the goofiest fanart i've ever seen.
by The Return of Light Joker September 21, 2011
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fanart is drawing something your a fan of or a drawing of something what a fan drew, they can be often nsfw content
i made a fanart of sonic
by Masterlunar July 30, 2018
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Sometimes "fan-art" but either way they have one and the same meaning, any art expressed through the means of digital creation, usually made with screencaptures from television shows (Buffy, whatever) or anything popular, if you're going to make some fanart (or fan-art) then Photoshop is the way to go, for Paint Shop Pro limits most of the user's creativity with the oh-not-so amazing tools. Which Jasc claimed to be new and greatly improved.
by Believe in Me April 9, 2004
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Drawings, digital art, or other tributes made towards a show, band, or person.
Person 1: I got really bored last night so I made some fanart for Twenty One Pilots
Person 2: That is literally the best thing I have ever seen.
by Pawleene Pinkieshy December 14, 2015
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A serious connoisseur of digital NFTurd (Non Fungible Turd) artwork is said to be a FanART collector or often abbreviated as "FART Collector" in the NFTz community.
I wonder if Elon Musk is secretly a FanART collector, since I've noticed several crappy NFTs in his collection.
by CryptoTurdZ January 1, 2022
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A piece of art or an illustration made by a fanatic of a particular, usually popular, person, figure and/or film and tv or something else for or of this thing in a way to express liking the subject
My hero Acedemia fanart is very popular in the lgbtq+ community as evident by the homosexual "shipping" of male on male relationships as well as both female ships too
by Broben5 December 1, 2020
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